Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Don't Pay Extra on Your Bill

Our 10 kW solar project is “generating” quite a bit of attention. You can view the solar power output from our website. We currently have three members who have solar installations of their own. They seem to be working nicely, although one is more aggressive than the other and one is a new project in Rowan County. If you or your club or organization is interested in seeing our new solar project, call us and we’ll set up a time for a visit and informational. 1-800-562-3532

Today was a day I dread every month; collection of delinquent bills. We went out to collect on 134 bills and 26 members have been disconnected. At least it’s not cold outside. I often think delinquent bills are a direct result of the lack of jobs we see in our area. Unfortunately, collections seem to be directly proportional to the numbers of people who are untrained for any employment. I see some families that have not had jobs in the last three generations. This cycle MUST be broken! Kids should be kids, but they also need to be taught responsibility and a work ethic.

How many bills do you pay per year? Twelve, right? But if you pay late every month, you could be paying 13 t0 14 bills per year, with the additional penalties and trip charges. Don’t pay extra for your electric service. Take advantage of Pre Pay , Levelized or Budget Billing, or Automatic Payments from your bank accounts or credit cards and stop paying extra.

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